내륙컨테이너운송체계에 대한 선호도 분석 |
유주영, 남기찬, 이면수, 김태원 |
An Analysis on the Preference of Domestic Container Transport Systems |
Ju-Young Yoo, Ki-Chm Nam, Myoun-Soo Lee, Tae-Won Kim |
Abstract |
The cost of domestic container transportation is higher than international sea transportation and it cannot meet the needs of customers either. However, domestic carriers try hardly nothing to improve the carriage system Especially. the inland transportation connecting Busan port is not receiving a careful study in spite of the importance and urgency now. This paper reviews intention of forwarders, shipping companies, and transport companies conducting a questionnaire and analyse the preferences of transportation modes amongst existing highway, railway, coastal shipping and inland waterway. Its aim is to analyse which factors affect freight agents to choose particular mode. |
Key Words:
Inland transportation;Trucking;Railway;Short sea shipping;Inland navigation |