A Study on the Application of RFID to Container Terminals |
Sung-Soo Kim, Myoun-Soo Lee, Yong-Seok Song, Ki-Chan Nam, Kyu-Suk Kwak |
Abstract |
The container terminals in Korea usually adopts both the bar code and the image recognition systems at the gate complex to capture necessary information on containers passing through the gate. With the rapid advancement of Information Technology(IT) these systems, however, seem to make the user not satisfied due to the inherent limitations such as the long process time taken, low rate of recognition etc., This paper, therefore, examines the adoption of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to container terminals, and tried to get some implication for the way to improve the productivity of the terminal. The results imply that some improvement in the gate and storage yard operation is feasible by the benefit of using the information of vehicles and containers collected in advance by RFID technology. |
Key Words:
RFID;RFID tag;Container yard;Gate;Tollgate;Application |