The KINPR requires the corresponding author of a submitted paper to sign to author's checklist on the behalf of all the authors in order for the protection of the original authors from misappropriation of their work. Please check below items before submission of the manuscript.
General matters |
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1. The manuscript is submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere at this time. |
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2. The contents of manuscripts should be original and confidential. |
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3. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with KINPR template which can be found at |
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4. The author(s) must keep Research and Publication Ethics. |
Title page |
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1. Title page is written in the order of title of manuscript, the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s) and address. |
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2. The English name of the author(s) is written full name in italics. |
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3. A short abstract (Korean 700 words, English 180 words) and key words (5-10 words) should precede the manuscript. They are written in Korean and English. The Abstract should be clear and informative, briefly state the purpose of the research, the research methodology, the principal results and major conclusions. |
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4. All of the authors's membership status, e-mail addresses and telephone number is described in the footnote of the manuscript. |
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5. The author(s), who wants(s) to publish the manuscript presented in the previous conference proceeding, should include the title, conference name, place, date, and pages in the footnote of the manuscript. |
Main body |
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1. The scientific term refers to "Scientific and Technical Terms Reference Book" published by MEST(Ministry of Education, Science And Technology) or KOFST(The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies). |
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2. To cite sources in the text, use the author-date method; list last names of authors, then the year, for example, Sparrow(1980), a discussion(Sparrow, 1980; Lee and Yang, 1997), Abbott et al.(2000). |
Tables and pictures |
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1. Tables and pictures should be clear. |
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2. Tables and pictures should have a descriptive title that should be above the tables and below the pictures in English. |
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3. Tables and pictures are not duplicated and relevant details are expounded in the text. |
figures |
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1. Equations should be in the separate lines. |
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3. Equation numbers should be arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right-hand margin. They should be cited in the text as, for example, Eq. (1), or Eqs. (2)~(5). |
References |
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1. References should be cited in the text. |
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2. List all references at the end of manuscript alphabetically by last name of the first author numbered consecutively with arabic numerals. |
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3. References for Text should be written without " " but articles in journals or proceedings with " ". |
Acknowledgement (where applicable) |
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1. The contributions to the work should be described at the end of the manuscript as "Acknowledgement". |
Authors checked all the items stated above,
and I hereby submit this document with the manuscript.
Date : __________________________________
Corresponding Author's name : __________________________________
Signature : __________________________________