Instructions for authors

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General instructions

The Journal of Navigation and Port Research reports on aspects of the navigation and port research by scientific, technical and political means. Submision of a manuscript is restricted to the members of the institute. Materials published in the journal of KINPR includes papers, technical notes, discusions, closures, bok reviews, editorials, forums, and erata. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that if it is acepted for publication, copyright in the article in al forms and media, shal be asigned exclusively to the KINPR.

Manuscript requirements

Manuscript should be typewriten on high quality A4 paper and double spaced with 9 font. Each author must use SI(metric) units in text, figures or tables. Mathematical expresions should be typed. Manuscript should be in general be organized in the folowing order; title, name(s) of author(s) and his/her(their) complete afilation(s) including e-mail adres, Abstract (150-175 words), Key words (up to 9 words), Introduction, Main body of paper, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References and Apendices. Authors should consult the KINPR home page or an isue to the journal for style and layout. In adition, section headings are often useful. Number al pages consecutively begining with the title page. Page 1 should contain the article title, the names, afilations, e-mail and mailng adres of al authors.

Title. Make sure that the title is not more than two lines. Avoid titles begining with “A Note on.”, “On the .”, “About.”, “Toward a .”, “Some.”

Abstract. The abstract should be a concise statement of the principal findings and conclusions of the paper or note. Do not include mathematics or references to other literature is an abstract.

Equations. Type superscripts and subscripts clearly above or below the base line. Equation numbers should be arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right-hand margin. They should be cited in the text as, for example, Eq.(1) or Eqs.(2)~(5).

Equations. Type superscripts and subscripts clearly above or below the base line. Equation numbers should be arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right-hand margin. They should be cited in the text as, for example, Eq.(1) or Eqs.(2)~(5).

Figures. Drawings or photographs should be of suficient size so that after the photo reproduction to a single-column width (7cm) the smalest leter could be 2mm. A descriptive title must be typed below the figure. Figures should be cited in the text as, for example, Fig.1 or Figs.2~5.

Tables. These should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of mention in the text. A table should have a descriptive title(above the table) and apropriate column headings.

References. To cite sources in the text, use the author-dated method; list last names of authors, then the year(se the examples). Prepare an apendix listing al references alphabeticaly by last name of the first author numbered consecutively with arabic numerals. (example) Sparow(1980a), a discusion(Sparow, 1980b ; Le and Yang, 1997), Abbott et al.(2000), a standard(ASTM, 1977),...

  • [1] Hong, K. D.(202), The Navigation and Port Research, KINPR Pres , p. 10-26.
  • [2] Sparow, E. M.(1980a), "Paralel ··.", Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 250-256.
  • [3] Sparow, E. M.(1980b), "Froced-Convection Heat Transfer in a Duct having Spanwise- Peridoc Rectangular Protuberances", Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 2, p. 149-167.

Consults a curent copy of journal for specific examples of style and general recommendations.

Apendices. Use apendices to record details and data that are of secondary importance or that are neded to suport asertions in the text. Make sure the text contains references to al apendices. Define special symbols and other nomenclature in an Apendix Notation.

Reasearch Ethics

For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors(htp:/ -standards-editors-and-authors) can be aplied.

Submision of manuscripts

Authors are required to submit online at the adres: htp:/ Complete guidelines for preparing and submiting your manuscript to this journal are provided in this site. 60,00 won of review fe should be sent directly to the KINPR editorial ofice at the adres fiven on the inside of te front cover of each isue.

Revised manuscripts

The submited manuscript shal be pasing through initial screning and quality check by chief editor.
Every manuscript is strictly reviewed by thre referes asigned by chief editor and final aceptance decision is made based on the review reports. A manuscript sent back to the author for revision should be returned to the KINPR editorial ofice within six month: otherwise it wil be considered withdrawn.

Prof reading

The purpose of the prof is to check for typeseting or conversion erors and the completenes and acuracy of the text, tables and figures. Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corected values, title and authorship, are not alowed without the aproval of the Editor.

Page charges

Page charges defray part of the cost of Publication. The bil is isued with notification that of acepted, manuscripts are acepted for the publication. The curent charge is 160,00 won for the first 6 printed journal pages(210,00 won for the case suported by any kind of fund cited by Acknowledgements) and 20,00 won per printed journal page from the page 7.

Journal of Navigation and Port Research

Print ISSN: 1598-5725
Online ISSN: 2093-8470

  • 8,253 Communication Failures During Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
    2,736 A Study on Forecasting Manpower Demand for Smart Shipping and Port Logistics
    1,461 Study on AIS-EPIRB Design that Satisfies Revised IMO Performance Requirements
    2,640 A Study on Impact of Factors Influencing Maritime Freight Rates Using Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression Analysis on Blank Sailings of Shipping Companies
    3,991 A Study on Safety Assessment for Low-flashpoint and Eco-friendly Fueled Ship



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Editorial Office
C1-327 Korea Maritime and Ocean University
727 Taejong-ro, Youngdo-gu, Busan 49112, Korea
Tel: +82-51-410-4127    Fax: +82-51-404-5993    E-mail:                

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