해양경찰 파출소 조직의 건강성과 조직효과성에 관한 연구 |
김상구, 박재홍 |
A Study on the Health and Organizational Effectiveness of Korea Coast Guard Substation organization: Focused on Recognition of Workers |
Sang-Goo Kim, Jae-Hong Park |
Abstract |
By analyzing the data collected through surveys conducted on coast guard officers, this paper measures the level of organizational health and explores indicators of organizational health that influence organizational effectiveness. The findings of the analysis can be summarized as follows: First, the scores of all the organizational health indicators except job stress exceed average, which leads a conclusion that coast guard organizations' organizational health is in considerably good condition Second, the indicators of organizational health included in the analyses are found to have both positive and negative effects on organizational effectiveness. While such variables as pay, co-worker relationship, job autonomy, job itself, organizational trust, job orientation influence positively, other variables including development-oriented culture, promotion system and supervision influence negatively on organizational effectiveness. |
Key Words:
organizational health;organizational effectiveness;measuring index;job satisfaction;
organizational commitment |