Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2004;28(10):917-923.
Published online December 31, 2004.
에이전트 기반의 해양공간정보시스템 모델링 연구
A Study on Spatial Modeling Framework for Marine GIS
Jongmin Park
With a rapid growing of information networks and development achievements in mobile technology the spatial information is one of the most important resources for modern daily life. But the speed of spatial information technology trends are far from the real service demands as compared to the other relevant fields, and it would be natural that this unbalanced gap between the supply and demand of spatial information technology is being resulted from the absence of appropriate modeling concepts at some extents. In this paper there would be shown a new approaching model for the spatial information system based on agent concepts, which is able to perform some spatial tasks if properly implemented afterward. And to give resonable background of the new modeling framework here also some known critics for the commonly used modeling approaches when they applied to spatial information modeling followed by several alternative requirements for a good spatial modeling framework. And also there would be some considerations for applying this approach to the marine geographic information communities.
Key Words: 해양GIS; MarineGIS;Spatial Modeling;Spatial Agent;Multi-Agent System;Intelligent Spatial Information system

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