Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2008;32(5):415-423.
Published online June 30, 2008.
해양레저스포츠 정책의 발전방향
김찬룡, 이재형
A Course Development of the Marine Leisure Sport Policy
Chan-Ryong Kim, Jae-Hyung Lee
The purpose of this study is to show a course development of the marine leisure sport policy in Korea The preceding researches and the analysis on the actual conditions on marine leisure sport in Korea were conducted for this research And analyzing the obstacle and development factors in marine leisure sport, the conclusions intended to provide the preliminary data on the marine leisure industry are as follows: First, as policy-based problems, there will be needs for the public perception improvement in the marine culture caused by the lack of publicity, the reflection reinforcement of the national policy on the marine leisure industry, the prevention of the overlapping investment for the national resources development in the marine industry and marine leisure sport complexes, and the reinforcement of the close networks with the developed countries. Second, as human-based problems, there will be needs for the new organization of the specialty agencies involved in the marine leisure industry field, the nurture of the capable specialists and the reinforcement and nurture of TF team for the infrastructure industry. Third, as facility-based problems, there appeared to be the expansion of the SOC related to the marine leisure, the ease of the laws and regulations for the development of the marine leisure facilities, the prevention of the thoughtless development caused by close cooperation system with the local government. Fourth, as law and institution-based problems, there appeared to be the abolishment of the regulation-centered laws involved in them, the prevention of the legal and institutional confusion caused by policy confusion Fifth, as industry-based problems, there must be the expansion of the domestic supply and demand, the reinforcement of parts industry and the nurture of the license system for the mechanics on the vessels and the engines.
Key Words: Marine leisure sport;Obstacle factors;Development factors;Law and institution-based; Industry-based;Facility-based;Policy-based;Human-based

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