Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2014;38(4):327-333.
Published online August 31, 2014.
충돌위험 회피를 위한 선박 운항자의 초동조치에 관한 연구
이윤석, 박준모, 안영중
A Study on the Initial Action of Navigators to Avoid Risk of Collision at Sea
Yun-Suk Lee, Jun-Mo Park, Young-Joong Lee
The Convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972(COLREGs) defines the collision avoidance principles and various navigation rules for the prevention of collision at sea. In particular, the initial responses to avoid risk of collision are mainly decided by navigation officer's experience and subjective judgement. However, collision accidents could be effectively prevented if the minimum criteria of quantitative initial response are suggested to the junior officers and the cadets who have insufficient sea experience and navigation competency. This study reviewed the COLREGs terms related to the initial response and the existing papers concerned with risk assessment model. A questionnaire survey is also carried out for safe passing distance, degrees of alternating course and initial response distance to avoid collision in accordance with various encounter situations. Base on these results, we propose the proper minimum safe passing distance between the vessels, the initial response distance and required turning angles for alternation in each encounter situations. The suggested criteria of initial response will contribute to the prevention of collision at sea as well as the improvement of gradual navigation technology.
Key Words: 변침각도 COLREGs;Collision Avoidance;Minimum safe passing distance;Initial response distance;Turning angles

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