Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2013;37(4):419-427.
Published online August 31, 2013.
수상레저 활성화를 위한 선진국의 관련규제 분석 및 개선방향에 대한 인식도 분석
조우정, 장보영
Analyses of the Advanced Countries’ Related Regulations and Perceptions to Improvement Directions for Water Leisure Activation
Woo-Jeong Cho, Bo-Young Jang
The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions to improvement directions of related regulations for water leisure activation. In order to accomplish such study purpose, the study utilized a survey methodology with 205 water leisure participants and 117 water leisure business employees. In addition, this study attempted to review the license and education system, registration and inspection system and business organizations from the advanced countries such as US, British, Australia and Japan. Accordingly, following findings were derived from current study. First, the problems of current license system included difficulty a operating the system and deficiency a operating organizations, and the improvement directions included expansion of education organizations and differentiation of education based on levels. Second, the improvement directions of registration and inspection included simplification of registration procedures and expansion of registration and inspection organizations. Third, difficulties perceived by business employees included complexity if entry and departure, complexity of registration water leisure business and insufficiency of supporting business policies. In conclusion, water leisure related regulations including Water Leisure Safety Act need to be reformed continuously to reflect changing demands and needs from participants and business sectors.
Key Words: Water leisure;regulations;perception;improvement direction;Water Leisure Safety Act

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