DGPS 보정신호 전송을 위한 휴대전화 인터페이스 모듈의 설계 및 구현 |
이재훈, 김창수, 정성훈, 이태오, 윤희철, 임재홍 |
Design and Implementation of Mobile Phone Interface Module for DGPS Correction Message Transmission |
Jae-hoon Yi, Chang-Soo Kim, Seong-Hoon Jeong, Tae-Oh Lee, Hee-Chul Yun, Jae-Hong Yim |
Abstract |
The conventional RTK-GPS technique has many problems which are permission of radio station using RF wireless modem, influence of geographic obstacle using radio wave, frequency interference, finiteness of frequency resources. To solve these problems, in this paper, we designed the DGPS correction message transmission system as a method to substitute the RF wireless modem of RTK-DGPS receiver. Then the interface module was designed and implemented for linkage of GPS receiver and mobile phone. As a result interface module was received transmission correction message using RS-232C and communication control, users of mobile station were worked differential surveying using receiving correction message between mobile phones. Interface module system was received the same result of precision which was compared RF wireless modem system. |
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