Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2012;36(3):169-173.
Published online April 30, 2012.
저전력 수중음향통신을 위한 등화기에 관한 연구
이태진, 김기만
A Study on the Equalization for Low Power Underwater Acoustic Communication
Tae-Jin Lee, Ki-Man Kim
In this paper, we propose an equalizer to minimize the inter-symbol interference when PSSK(Phase Silence Shift Keying) technique is applied to the low power underwater acoustic communication. PSSK is a QPSK(Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) modulation combined with PPM(Pulse Position Modulation), and it was proposed for low power communication. However, it has poor performance due to delay spread of underwater channel. In this paper, we propose a decision feedback equalizer to minimize the error in PSSK receiver. The sea trial was performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. In the result, the BER of PSSK was 4.36×10¯² before the equalizer was applied, but the BER of PSSK was 8.95×10¯⁴ after the proposed equalizer was applied.
Key Words: underwater acoustic communication;low power consumption;PSSK(Phase Silence Shift Keying);PPM(Pulse Position Modulation);QPSK(Quadrature Phase Shift Keying);bit error rate;power efficiency;equalizer

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