Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2009;33(6):451-456.
Published online August 30, 2009.
프랙탈에 기초한 해저지형의 보간
이현식, 박동진, 진강규
Fractal-Based Interpolation of Sea Floor Terrains
Hyun-Shik Lee, Dong-Jin Park, Gang-Gyoo Jin
In this paper we presents an algorithm which generates its high-resolution DTM using a low-resolution DTM of the sea floor terrain and fractal theory. The fractal dimension of each patch region divided from the DTM ís extracted and then with this information and original data, each cell region in the patch ís interpolated using the midpoint displacement method and a medían filter is incorporated to generate natural and smooth sea floor surface The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm ís tested on a fractal terrain map.
Key Words: Midpoint Displacement법; fractal theory;sea floor terrain;interpolation;midpoint displacement method

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