풀방식을 이용한 반출입계 EDI 모델 설계 |
하창승, 곽규석 |
Design a COPINO EDI Model Using the Pull Technology |
Chang-Seung Ha, Kyu-Seck Kwak |
Abstract |
Recently the trade patterns of the entire economy are rapidly changing on development of IT. The field of port logistics is enforcing a competitiveness through preliminary offer of information and a batch precess for improving the structure of logistics management which is apparently high cost and the low efficiency since 1990. But a previous EDI is insufficient in precess ability. Because it costs for the purchasing and maintenance of the expensive communication devices which is operated on the VAN environment. A web based EDI operating on an open network environment is needed to improve these problems and to handle transaction efficiently among many and unauthorized personals. Therefore. this study is willing to present a new web based model of the pull precess which extracts the data when the receiver is needed to improve the push process which is transmitting data unilaterally. |
Key Words:
반출입계 EDI;
Pull technology. COPINO EDI. Web based |