충돌 위험 지수 모듈(CRIM) 개발과 이를 이용한 선박 안전운항지원 시스템 개발에 관한 연구 |
남경태2, 김남수1, 이정진1 |
1(주)지씨 기업부설연구소 차장 2(주)지씨 기업부설연구소 이사 |
Study on the Development of Collision Risk Index Module (CRIM) and the Development of a Ship Safe Operation Support System using CRIM |
Gyeungtae Nam2, Namsu Kim1, Jungjin Lee1 |
1Senior Manager, R&D Center of Global Control, Busan 47607, Republic of Korea 2Director, R&D Center of Global Control, Busan 47607, Republic of Korea |
Gyeungtae Nam, Email: gtnam@gcsc.co.kr |
Received: 2 December 2024 • Revised: 9 December 2024 • Accepted: 19 December 2024 |
Abstract |
This study aims to provide services to ships and users at sea based on the ship collision risk index module, which analyzes the collision risk of vessels and generates informational data to support safe maritime operations. The research focuses on developing a system that enhances the ship collision risk index module. The results were used to calculate safe separation distance, CPA (Closest Point of Approach), and relative distance based on the ship and maritime environment. Additionally, the study investigated methods for calculating the collision risk index and explored its implementation in a usable software module. Furthermore, a user service platform with an interface for the collision risk index module was developed alongside application software. Real-time ENC and AIS data from ships operating in actual maritime conditions were collected to create ship tracks for research purposes. Moreover, a real-ship test was conducted in real seas using the research findings, demonstrating that the results of this study can serve as a practical support system for safe navigation. |
Key Words:
collision avoidance, Collision risk index CPA, Safe navigation route, Safe operation support, COLREG |