그린포트 조성에 따른 항만 배후지역의 리버빌리티 향상에 관한 연구 |
황선아2, 전선민1 |
1부산대학교 도시공학과 BK 21 Plus 박사후연구원 2부산대학교 도시공학과 도시문제연구소 전임연구원 |
A Study on Improving the Livability of Port Hinterland through the Establishment of Green Ports |
Sun-Ah Hwang2, Sun-Min Jun1 |
1Post-Doctor, BK21 Plus, Department of Urban Planning and Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea 2Full time Researcher, Department of Urban Planning and Engineering, Urban Affairs Research Institute, Pusan National University, Korea |
Sun-Ah Hwang, Tel: 051)510-3660, Email: sunah.hwang@pusan.ac.kr |
Received: 4 October 2024 • Revised: 14 October 2024 • Accepted: 21 November 2024 |
Abstract |
In order to solve various environmental and urban problems caused by climate change, countries around the world have made numerous efforts. Among these, some port cities are adopting the concept of “Green Port” as one of the strategies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Green ports are designed to mitigate excessive carbon emissions from port operations and foster eco-friendly port cities. This concept not only applies to the industrial environment but also positively impacts the livability of port hinterland complexes and the image of underdeveloped port cities. Accordingly, this study conducted a survey to assess awareness of improving livability in port hinterland complexes. Based on the results, it suggests the necessity of creating a form of green port suitable for the domestic environment and identifies the urban planning elements recognized as essential for the development of port hinterland complexes. |
Key Words:
climate change, carbon reduction, green port, livability, Q-method |