J Navig Port Res > Volume 48(6); 2024 > Article
Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2024;48(6):589-594.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5394/KINPR.2024.48.6.589    Published online December 31, 2024.
드론을 활용한 광파표지의 실외 광도 측정 시스템 연구
이충진3,4, 채정근1, 이동엽2
1한국항로표지기술원 책임연구원
2한국항로표지기술원 연구교육센터장
3한국공학대학교 박사과정생·한국항로표지기술원 선임연구원
4한국공학대학교 박사과정생·한국항로표지기술원 선임연구원
A Study on the Luminous Intensity Measurement System of Visual Aids Using Drone
Chungjin Lee3,4, Jeonggeun Chae1, Dongyeob Lee2
1Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of Aids to Navigation, Sejong-si 30100, Republic of Korea
2Director, Korea Institute of Aids to Navigation, Sejong-si 30100, Republic of Korea
3Student, Graduate School of Tech University of Korea, Siheung-si 15073, Republic of Korea
4Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Aids to Navigation, Sejong-si 30100, Republic of Korea
Correspondence:  Chungjin Lee, Tel: 044)850-7534, 
Email: cjlee@katon.or.kr
Received: 2 December 2024   • Revised: 10 December 2024   • Accepted: 11 December 2024
In the case of lantern fixtures installed on manned marine lighthouses and unmanned beacons, they must always emit light above a certain standard to ensure the safe navigation of ships. The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea periodically inspects the optical characteristics of lanterns to determine whether they should continue to be used. Middle and large-sized lanterns are difficult to dismantle and transport, so they are inspected using a buoy tender. However, significant human and material costs, as well as errors due to wave conditions, can occur. This study developed a new methodology for measuring luminous intensity using drones to overcome the limitations associated with buoy tenders. Additionally, the luminous intensity of the Odongdo lighthouse was measured using drones, and simulations were conducted. As a result, an average error of 5.17% was observed compared to the conventional measurement method. The luminous intensity measurement method using drones is expected to minimize the drawbacks associated with the use of buoy tenders in the future.
Key Words: Aid-to-Navigation, drone, photometry, visual signaling, lighthouse, lantern

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