국내 컨테이너항만의 관문항 기능변화에 관한 연구 |
임상현1, 이용성2, 하민호3 |
1인천대학교 석사과정생 2인천대학교 석사과정생 3인천대학교 동북아물류대학원 부교수 |
A Study on Changes in Gateway Functions of Domestic Container Ports |
Sang Hyun Lim1, Yong Seong Lee2, Min-Ho Ha3 |
1MSc Student, Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea 2MSc Student, Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea 3Associate Professor, Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea |
Min-Ho Ha, Tel: 032)835-8195, Email: mhha77@inu.ac.kr |
Received: 4 November 2024 • Revised: 7 November 2024 • Accepted: 12 November 2024 |
Abstract |
This study analyzes the changes in the gateway functions of 11 container ports in Korea using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) and Shift-Share analysis to assess the effectiveness of government port policies. The HHI analysis indicates that the Southeast and Southwest Sea regions maintain high concentration levels, reflecting monopolistic structures. In contrast, the West Sea region, although still characterized as monopolistic by the HHI, is shifting towards an oligopolistic structure due to increased competition between Incheon and Pyeongtaek-Dangjin ports. The Shift-Share analysis examined shifts and shares of cargo volumes among ports within each region. It revealed that Busan Port initially faced cargo volume losses but later made a recovery. Gwangyang Port grew by attracting cargo volumes from the South Sea region under the government’s two-port policy; however, its competitiveness has significantly weakened recently. Incheon and Pyeongtaek-Dangjin ports have emerged as growth centers in the West Sea region, with steadily increasing cargo volumes that enhance the gateway functions of this area. |
Key Words:
container port, gateway port, EXIM containers, shift-share analysis, HHI |