부산항 화물자동차 휴게소 운영 효율성 분석 |
심민섭1, 김율성2 |
1국립한국해양대학교 해양콘텐츠융복합협동과정 물류시스템전공 박사과정 2국립한국해양대학교 물류시스템공학과 교수 |
A Study on Efficiency Analysis of Truck Service Stations at Busan Port |
Min-Seop Sim1, Yul-Seong Kim2 |
1Doctoral researcher, Department of Convergence Interdisciplinary Education, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea 2Professor, Logistics System Engineering, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea |
Yul-Seong Kim, Tel: 051)410-4332, Email: logikys@kmou.ac.kr |
Received: 3 September 2024 • Revised: 26 November 2024 • Accepted: 26 November 2024 |
Abstract |
A truck service station is a space equipped with parking lots, main offices, restrooms, restaurants, and other amenities designed to provide rest areas for long-distance truck drivers. However, in comparison to the rising volume of cargo at Busan Port, the truck service station has exceeded its capacity due to a lack of parking spaces. Additionally, it faces challenges from illegal parking on nearby roads and overnight parking. Consequently, this paper analyzes the dynamic operating efficiency of truck service stations near Busan Port by conducting a Window-DEA analysis over a period of six months from January to June 2023. This analysis identifies the truck service stations with the most serious parking difficulties. The Window-DEA CCR model reveals that the efficiency of Gamman at Busan North Port is the highest at 0.959, followed by Yongdang truck service station at 0.955, North truck service station at 0.814, and South truck service station at 0.601. According to the Window-DEA BCC model, the Yongdang truck service station exhibits the highest efficiency, with a value of 0.973, followed closely by Gamman truck service station at 0.972, North truck service station at 0.958, and South truck service station at 0.656. These findings indicate that parking challenges at the Gamman and Yongdang truck service stations are significant. Based on these results, various policy implications are proposed for the improvement of truck service stations at Busan Port. |
Key Words:
truck service stations, truck parking area, illegal parking, window-dea analysis, dynamic efficiency |