스마트 항로표지에서의 AIS-ASM 기반 환경 정보 제공을 위한 표준화 방안 |
김건웅2, 박계각1 |
1국립목포해양대학교 컴퓨터공학과 교수 2국립목포해양대학교 해상운송학부 교수 |
Standardization Plan for Providing Environmental Information Based on the AIS-ASM in Smart Aids-to-Navigation |
Geonung Kim2, Gyei-Kark Park1 |
1Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Mokpo National Maritime University 2Professor, Division of Maritime Transportation, Mokpo National Maritime University |
Geonung Kim, Tel: 061)240-7261, Email: kgu@mmu.ac.kr |
Received: 11 October 2024 • Revised: 21 October 2024 • Accepted: 2 December 2024 |
Abstract |
The Smart AtoN can collect data from various sensors and transmit processed information to nearby vessels using the AIS-ASM. Recent changes related to the AIS-ASM, such as the allocation of separate frequencies for the ASM and the standardization of display methods for AIS-ASMs on navigation systems, are expected to promote services using the AIS-ASM. The Smart AtoN can provide environmental information through internationally recommended messages 31 (meteorological and hydrographic data) and 26 (environmental information). This paper summarizes the necessary revisions identified in existing IMO circular documents during the implementation of these services. To provide information not defined in ASMs for international use, regional standardization is crucial. This process includes allocating application identifiers and defining functional message structures for each application. The paper outlines methods for achieving these objectives through regional standardization, summarizes the application identifiers that have been defined regionally to date, and proposes a plan for designating new identifiers for future services. Additionally, it addresses the tasks that need to be completed when defining functional message structures and display-related definitions. |
Key Words:
smart AtoN, environmental sensor, AIS, ASM, standardization, regional service |