J Navig Port Res > Volume 48(6); 2024 > Article
Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2024;48(6):448-454.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5394/KINPR.2024.48.6.448    Published online December 31, 2024.
제한수역에서 대각도 변침으로 계획항로를 추종하기 위한 선회율에 관한 연구
김민규1, 최지웅2, 유수호3, 김홍범4, 공길영5
1부산항도선사회 도선사
2부산항도선사회 도선사
3팬오선 화물감독
4한국해양수산연수원 교수
5한국해양대학교 항해융합학부 교수
A Study on Rate of Turn for Following a Planned Route when Turn with Large Degree in Restricted Water
Minkyu Kim1, Jiung Choi2, Suho Yoo3, Hong-Beom Kim4, Gil-Young Kong5
1Pilot, Busan Harbor Pilot Association, Busan 48940, Korea
2Pilot, Busan Harbor Pilot Association, Busan 48940, Korea
3Supercargo, Pan Ocean CO., LTD., Seoul 03157, Korea
4Professor, Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology, Busan 49111, Korea
5Professor, Division of Navigation Convergence Studies, Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea
Correspondence:  Gil-Young Kong, Tel: 051)410-4273, 
Email: kong@kmou.ac.kr
Received: 12 September 2024   • Revised: 16 October 2024   • Accepted: 25 October 2024
Vessels should follow a planned route to ensure safe navigation and alter course by a large degree in accordance with the characteristics of a harbor and fairway. During a vessel's turn, excessive deviation from the planned route may lead to the danger of grounding or collision. However, many ship handlers rely on their experience and senses to monitor how many miles a vessel deviates from the planned route, often feeling anxious during a significant turn. This study reviewed the optimized rate of turn that minimizes deviation from the planned route during such turns. Based on the IMO vessel maneuverability test, the rate of turn and gross tonnage were analyzed using the exponential regression method. It was confirmed that a slower rate of turn corresponds to a larger gross tonnage; thus, vessels were classified into three groups (Fast, Normal, Slow) based on their rate of turn and gross tonnage. The rate of turn of container vessels was observed at the entrance of Busan New Port No. 5 fairway, and the correlation between the rate of turn and D/T (water depth/draft) was analyzed. These results show that in restricted waters, a vessel’s rate of turn is 30% slower than the data from the IMO vessel maneuverability test. Using the theoretical formula for ship speed and turning radius, the optimum rate of turn was applied to medium and very large container ships at the entrance of Busan New Port No. 5 fairway, and it was confirmed through real ship observations that following the planned route was safely achieved. The results of this study are expected to minimize deviation from the planned route and further contribute to the prevention of marine accidents by applying the optimum rate of turn, in addition to the ship handler's experience, when making significant turns in restricted waters.
Key Words: restricted water, rate of turn, turn with large degree, following a route, gross tonnage
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