J Navig Port Res > Volume 48(6); 2024 > Article
Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2024;48(6):435-440.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5394/KINPR.2024.48.6.435    Published online December 31, 2024.
선박 자동조타시스템의 사용성 향상과 상용화를 위한 해상 실증 연구
김민우1, 이진협2, 이윤석3, 안영중4
1한국정보통신기술협회 책임연구원
2한국정보통신기술협회 책임연구원
3한국해양대학교 해양경찰학과 교수
4한국해양대학교 항해융합학부 교수
A Study on Sea Trial for the Usability and Commercialization of Autopilot System for Ship
Min-Woo Kim1, Jin-Hyup Lee2, Yun-Sok Lee3, Young-Joong Ahn4
1Senior Researcher, Telecommunication Technology Association, Seongnam 13591, Korea
2Senior Researcher, Telecommunication Technology Association, Seongnam 13591, Korea
3Professor, Division of Coast Guard Studies, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea
4Professor, Division of Navigation Convergence Studies, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea
Correspondence:  Young-Joong Ahn, Tel: 051)410-4235, 
Email: yjahn0726@kmou.ac.kr
Received: 29 November 2024   • Revised: 4 December 2024   • Accepted: 4 December 2024
As the global leader in shipbuilding, South Korea is well-positioned to increase its market share and penetrate the global marine equipment market by localizing critical navigation equipment. However, domestically developed ship autopilot systems have struggled to establish a track record in real-world applications, primarily due to the challenges associated with conducting sea trials. Although these systems meet performance standards, they often suffer from user interface and usability issues that hinder their commercialization. This study aimed to address these challenges by conducting sea trials of a certified ship autopilot system on a 6,000-tonne international shipping vessel. By integrating the system with real-world navigation sensors in a maritime environment, we sought to enhance its seakeeping performance and overall operational effectiveness. To facilitate this, the autopilot system was installed in parallel with the existing system on the test vessel, accompanied by the development of detailed navigation plans, inspection items, and trial procedures. Through these trials, we evaluated the system's seakeeping performance, overall effectiveness, and usability. The results yielded valuable insights into the system's performance and highlighted areas for improvement from a user perspective. These findings can be utilized to enhance the system and support its commercialization.
Key Words: autopilot system, sea trial, usability, commercialization, seakeeping performance

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