국내 크루즈 관광객의 선택속성에 대한 중요도-만족도 분석 -목포-제주 관광객을 중심으로- |
차상현 |
목포해양대학교 해상운송학부 객원교수 |
The Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of the Selective Attributes of Domestic Cruise Tourists –Focusing on Mokpo-Jeju Tourists- |
Sang-Hyun Cha |
Professor, Department of Maritime Transport, Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea |
Sang-Hyun Cha, Tel: 061)772-7588, Email: baplie@yahoo.co.kr |
Received: 22 July 2024 • Revised: 14 August 2024 • Accepted: 2 December 2024 |
Abstract |
In this study, we conducted an analysis of demographic characteristics and importance-performance factors related to safety, cabin services, publicity, and convenience facilities for tourists on actual cruise ships. This analysis aims to evaluate the impact on cruise tourism satisfaction. Through importance-satisfaction analysis (IPA) of cruise tourists' selection attributes, we identified the evaluation factors that need improvement and analyzed how these selection attributes influence tourists' repurchase intentions, thereby determining the most impactful factors for encouraging repurchase. The Cruise IPA analysis revealed the importance-satisfaction levels, categorizing them into areas that require initial improvement: focus, maintenance, low priority, and excess. The Durbin-Watson test indicated a value of 1.479, which is close to 2, suggesting the independence of the model. Additionally, multicollinearity among independent variables was assessed, confirming no multicollinearity since the VIF index was below 10, making it a suitable model for multiple regression analysis. The selection attribute factors demonstrated a significance confidence value of .001, indicating a positive effect on repurchase intention. By identifying the factors and levels of satisfaction that tourists consider important through importance-performance analysis, we can enhance expected outcomes by improving customer importance-performance, service quality, tourism products, and by addressing cruise tourists' complaints and requirements. |
Key Words:
cruise tourists, optional attributes, importance-performance, independent variables, repurchases |