2 CMC(1992), Maritime Code of the People’s Republic of China, adopted on November 7, 1992 and entered into force as of July 1, 1993.
3 Collision Convention(1910), Conventions for the Unification of Certain Rules with respect to Collision between Vessels 1910, The convention was adopted by China in 1994.
4 COLREG(1972), Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at sea 1972.
5 Compensation Provision(1995), Provisions on Compensation for Vessel Collision of PRC.
6 Compensation Interpretation(2003), Interpretation on Compensation for Personal Injury.
7 Compensation Interpretation(2001), Interpretation on Compensation for mental Distress.
8 Contract Law(1999), “Contract law of the People Republic of China No.15 of the President of the People’s Republic of China”.
9 Guang Hai Fa Chu Zi No.139(2002), Guangzhou Maritime Court.
11 Hu Gao Min Si (Hai) Zhong Zi No.74. (2010), Hongkong Changxin Shipping Service Co Ltd v Hachiuma Steamship Co Ltd; Shanghai High Court.
12 Hu Gao Jing Zhong Zi. No. 423. (1999), Shanghai Higher Court, C.A.
13 Hu Hai Fa Shang Chu Zi No.24. (2010), Jiangsu Weilun Shipping Co Ltd v Miranda Rose Co Ltd Shanghai Maritime Court; Guiding Case, No.31..
14 Jin Gao Min Si Zhong Zi No.369. (2019), China Huadian Engineering Co Ltd CONTI JORK Shipping Ltd (C.A).
15 Kim, IH(2011), “‘Korean Collision Avoidance Rules and Apportionment of Liability’”, Asia Business Lawyer, pp. 11.
16 Kim, IH(2011), “‘선박충돌 과실비율의 의의와 그 산정 방안’, 韓國海法學會誌 第33卷 第2號”.
17 Kim, IH(2015), “韓中日海商法比較硏究”, 상사법연구, Vol. 33, No. 4.
18 Kim, IH(2019), “‘Korea Martime Cases during 2017-2018’”, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol. 50, No. 4.
19 Kim, IH(2012), “‘An Overview of Korean Maritime Law’”, Asia Business Lawyer, Vol. 10, No. 35.
16 Law of Application(2010), Law of the PRC on Application of Laws to Foreign-..
17 Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People Republic of China(1983.
18 Minutes of the Second National Working Conference 2005, art 131..
19 Min min xia No.71(2017), M/V MIN NAN PING HUO 4572.
20 The Supreme Court held that ‘Ship collision’ under 1992 CMC must be involved at least one seagoing vessel in the collision incident, in this case the two ships are all inland vessels therefore does not incur the application of CMC1992..
21 Regulations on Ship Registration(2014), Regulations on the Registration of Ships.
22 Related Civil Relations, 36 Order of the President of the PRC..
23 Qi, JC(2021), “Enforcement failures and remedies: Review on state jurisdiction over ships at sea”, Journal of East Asia and International law, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 18.
24 Sheppard, AM(2013), Modern Maritime Law. Routledge Informa Law; p. 388.
25 Si, YZ(1998), The Maritime Law Dictionary. Peking: University Press; p. 637.
26 Si, YZ(2009), Special Research on Basic Principle of Maritime Law in China. Peking: University Press; p. 926.
27 Si, YZ(2012), Maritime Law. Law Press; China: 3rd edition. p. 256.
28 The Esso Brussels(1972), 1 Lloyd’s Rep 286.
29 The McGregor(1943 A.C. 197.
30 Trademark Law(1982), Trademark law of the People.
31 Republic of China(1982), revised in 1993, 2001, 2013, 2019.
32 Patent Law, Patent Law of the People Republic of China(1984), revised in 1992, 2000, 2008.
33 Regulations of Preventing Collisions on Inland Waters(1991), No. 30 Order of the Ministry of Communications of the PRC.
34 The Orient Overseas Europe(2012), Min Ti Zi, No.142, Supreme Court of China, Retrial..
35 Wang, PN(2004), Analysis on indirect collision risks should be covered in Collision Risks, Theory and Practice on Marine Insurance. Dalian Maritime: University Press; p. 288.
36 Wu, HP(2006), “Discussion of Relevant Legal Issues on Hull Insurance in China”. Shanghai Maritime: University Press; p. 25.
37 Yang, LY(2009), “Marine Insurance analysis in the United Kingdom”. Dalian Maritime: University Press; p. 27-73. Prof.Yang gives a deep analysis on ITC1983 Article 8-3/4 Collision liability..
38 Yue, MT(2018), Wuhan Maritime Court, No. 50.
39 Zhang, LY(2019), “Ship accident consequences and contributing factors analyses using ship accident investigation reports”, Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 233, No. 01, pp. 35-47.
40 Zhang, HK(2019), The Study on the Tort Liability for vessel Collision. Dalian Maritime: University Press; p. 196.