해상교통관제사의 스트레스 수준 측정에 관한 연구 |
김유순, 박영수, 조소현 |
A Study on Occupational Stress of the VTS Operators |
Yu Sun Kim, Young Soo Park, So Hyun Jo |
Abstract |
VTS operators may suffer from acute, chronic, or traumatic stress caused by their workload and working environments associated with task or combination of task. This study intended to measure the level of VTS operator' stress and find out factors influencing it by understanding their characteristics during carrying out their task. For this purpose, analyzed the data collected through conducting survey on VTS operators as the Korea Occupational Stress(KOSS) and Psychological Well-being Index(PWI). As a result, VTS operators are experiencing higher level of psychological stress than the national average. And the factors to cause VTS operators' occupational stress can be summarized as follows; working environment factors, shift work especially night duty, workload, etc. This study provides the fundamental information for understanding human factors of VTS operator' occupational stress. |
Key Words:
VTS operator;Workload;Occupational stress;Psychological wll-being;Shift work;Human factor |