국내 침몰유조선 잔존유 회수작업의 합리적 종료절차 제안 |
강광구, 심유택, 강신영 |
A Proposition on Reasonable Termination Procedure in Remaining-oil Recovery Work from a Sunken Tanker in Korean Territory |
Kwang-Gu Kang, Yoo-Taek Shim, Sin-Young Kang |
Abstract |
In case of sunken tankers, remaining-oil recovery operation should be conducted due to possible oil spill accident. However, the deep sea operation make difficulties in checking the completion of remaining oil recovery process, therefore the work termination procedure is very important. In this paper, a reasonable work termination procedure through the comparison and analysis of two cases(Youil No.1 and Osung No.3, Kyung-Shin) which were performed in different method, using disparate equipment. By investigating previously applied methods and techniques, work speed, safety and expenses were compared. The proposed ending procedure of the remaining-oil recovery project is to recover the remaining oil from each cargo tanks and to clean up such tanks whilst an independent surveyor proceeds to a confirmation procedure whereby said surveyor checks out whether any remaining oil exists by putting a stick in each cleaned up tanks and opening up the hatch cover of the tanks or the top place of the tanks to confirm the cleanness of oil. Such procedure shall be done through discussion by the ordering party, contractor and the independent surveyor all together with a flexible application. |
Key Words:
sunken tanker;remaining-oil recovery work;underwater work;oil recovery work method;termination procedure |