IMO 권고에 따른 선박 피난처 입지 지정 모델 개발에 관한 연구 |
이창현, 박성현 |
A Study on the Development of Designated Model of Places of Refuge location from IMO Recommendations |
Chang-Hyun Lee, Seong-Hyun Park |
Abstract |
On December of 2003, IMO's 23rd Assembly discussed 'Guidelines on places of refuge for ships in need of assistance' At the discussion, Res. A.949(23) has been selected to appoint recommended place of refuge for countries signatory to the IMO Convention. IMO defines "Places of Refuge" as a places where a ship in need of assistance can take action to enable it to stabilize its condition and reduce the hazards to navigation, and to protect human life and the environment. Appointing and managing a Place of refuge can be a delicate problem because of its close connection to each country's coastal and environmental protection policies. However, in case of marine accident, the appointment or management of the place of refuge has a potential to avoid further damage and reduce to the minimum any environmental and estate losses. Currently a number of foreign countries, designated and operated a place of refuge. But, place of refuge selected methodㆍcriteria were different by country and also does not have any standardized designating place of refuge model. Therefor, this study suggested the model of assigned places of refuge according to objective indication in order to assign reasonable and efficient places of refuge in domestic waters in the future by investigating and analyzing imported facts in considering the assignment of places of refuge in foreign countries and describing these imported data into quantitative value. In designating the model place of refuge, the final place of refuge location was presented by evaluating the probability of marine accidents, analyzing the location, and evaluating the supporting establishment. |
Key Words:
지원 시설 평가
places of refuge;Marine accident;evaluation of the probability of marine accidents;analyzing the location;evaluating o the supporting establishment |