Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2014;38(2):141-146.
Published online April 30, 2014.
NIR의 도입에 따른 항만국통제 대응방안에 관한 소고
A Study on the Preparedness of Port State Control for the Enforcement of NIR
Chu-Hyong Kim
NIR(New Inspection Regime, hereinafter NIR) relating to the PSC(Port State Contorl, hereinafter PSC) has implemented in Asia-Pacific region under Tokyo-MOU from last January 2014. The most noticable difference between NIR and existing TF(Target Factor, hereinafter TF) is to evaluate company performance and to conduct PSC with flexible inspection interval on the basis of Ship Risk Profile; High Risk Ship, Standard Risk Ship and Low Risk Ship. Particularly deficiencies related to ISM Code, more than 5 deficiencies and detention record have a serious effect on the evaluation of Ship Risk Profile. Therefore ship and company are requested to ensure proper implementation of Safety Management System for the changed PSC tendency. Also RO(Recognized Organization, hereinafter RO) and Administration respectively should take suitable actions different to previous measures, such as implementation of cooperation and support system between vessel and company, changing subject and object for avoiding Mannerism in SMS audit, strengthening supervision on RO by Administration and establishment of private-public Partnership network.
Key Words: 출항정지 Port State Control;New Inspection Regime;Target Factor;Company;Safety Management System;Detention

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