단기 VDS자료로 수출입화물트럭이 집중하는 고속도로의 K-factor 추정에 관한 연구 |
김태곤, 허인석, 전재현 |
K-factor Prediction in Import and Export Cargo Trucks-Concentrated Expressways by Short-Term VDS Data |
Tae-Gon Kim, In-Seok Heo, Jae-Hyun Jeon |
Abstract |
Gyeongbu and Namhae expressways in the country, are the major arterial highways which are connected with the Busan port in the north-south and east-west directions, respectively, and required to study the traffic characteristics about the hourly volume factors(K-factor) by concentrated midium-size and large-size cargo trucks of 20% or higher in expressways. We therefore attempted to predict the K-factor in expressways through the correlation analysis between K-factor and K-factor estimates on the basis of the short-term VDS data collected at the basic segments of the above major expressways. As a result, power model appeared to be appropriate in predicting K-factor by the K-factor estimate based on VDS data for 7 days with a high explanatory power and validity. |
Key Words:
expressway;traffic characteristics;K-factor;K-factor estimate;correlation analysis;regression model |