Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2005;29(5):365-370.
Published online June 30, 2005.
IMO 선박 조종성 기준의 계산 및 고찰에 관한 연구
A Study on the Evaluation and Validation of IMO Manoeuvrability Standards of Vessels
Chun-Ki Lee
Many sea accidents such as collisions and groundings of vessels were occurred due to the lack of sufficient manoeuvring capability of vessels. Therefore IMO adopted “The interim standards of ship manoeuvrability by Resolution A751(18)” and the standards have been applied to vessels of 100m or more in length and all chemical tankers and gas carriers regardless of the length, which were constructed on or after 1 July 1994. The IMO manoeuvrability standards are divided into three kinds as bellows; (1) Turning capability standards : Estimated values in design stage are to be certified by turning circle test of the actual vessel. (2) Course keeping quality standards : Estimated values in design stage are to be certified by 10° and 20° Zig-Zag tests of the actual vessel. (3) Shortest stopping distance standards : Estimated values in design stage are to be certified by the shortest stopping distance tested by the actual vessel. In this paper, the authors computed the values of the manoeuvring standards of several vessels from their original design and compared them with those results from experiments of the model ships and also examined the values and concluded about the validity of IMO manoeuvrability standards.
Key Words: IMO 조종성기준; Ship manoeuvrability;IMO manoeuvrability standards;Sea accidents

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