기상 예보 및 내항성능을 고려한 최적 항로 평가 시스템의 도입 |
박건일, 최경순, 이진호, 김문성 |
Introduction of Optimum Navigation Route Assessment System based on Weather Forecasting and Seakeeping Prediction |
Gun-il Park, Kyong-Soon Choi, Jin-Ho Lee, Mun-Sung Kim |
Abstract |
This paper treats optimal route assessment system at seaway based on weather forecasting and wave measurement through observation. Since early times, captain & officer have been sailing to select the optimum route considering the weather and ship status condition empirically. However, it is rate to find digitalized onboard route support system whereas weather fax or wave and swell chart are utilized for the officer, based on officer’s experience. In this paper, optimal route assessment system which is composed of voyage efficiency and safety component is introduced. Optimum route minimized ETA(estimated time of arrival) and fuel consumption is evaluated for efficient voyage considering speed loss and power increase based on wave added resistance of ship. In the view point of safety, seakeeping prediction is performed based on 3 dimensional panel method. Basically, the weather forecast is assumed to be prepared previously in order to operate this system. |
Key Words:
ptimum navigation route assessment;Parametric roll;ETA;Speed reduction;Power increase;Added resistance;Marine weather forecast;Seakeeping Performance Prediction |