부산지역 워터프런트의 기후특성에 관한 연구 |
도근영, 이한석, 고성철, 현범수, 유종수 |
A Study on Climate Characteristics of Waterfront in Busan Area |
Geun-Young Doe, Han-Seok Lee, Sung-Cheol Koh, Beom-Soo Hyun, ]ong-Su Yoo |
Abstract |
The waterfront has distinct climate characteristics different from urban or inland area. These may create not only the rise of energy and maintenance costs for facilities located at waterfront areas, but also the negative effects on the climate of the nearby inland area, unless these are treated with particular care. For the present study, the climate characteristics of waterfront were examined with climate data of 10 observation points carefully selected in Busan area. Each weather observation point was classified into either waterfront area or inland area, based on the distance from the coastal line. Special considerations were given to the climate data gathered at the Dae-Yeon weather station because it shows the climate characteristics similar to those of inland area although it is located very near the waterfront area. Results indicates that this peculiar climate condition attributes, at least in part, to the reclamation of frontal coastal area. |
Key Words:
Waterfront;Climate Characteristic;Climate Change |