Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2009;33(1):35-41.
Published online February 28, 2009.
무인수상선을 위한 경유점 추적 제어 알고리즘에 관한 연구
손남선, 윤현규
Study on a Waypoint Tracking Algorithm for Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)
Nam-Sun Son, Hyeon Kyu Yoon
A waypoint tracking algorithm(WTA) is designed for Unmanned Surface Vehicle(USV) in which water-jet system is installed for propulsion To control the heading of USV for waypoint tracking. the steering nozzle of water-jet needs to be controlled Firstly, target heading is calculated by using the position information of waypoints input from the land control center. Secondly, the command for the steering nozzle of water-jet is calculated in real time by using the heading and the rateoi-turncROT) from magnetic compass. In this study, in order to consider the drift angle due to external disturbance such as wind and wave. the course of ground( COG) can be used instead of heading at higher speed than a certain calue. To test the performance of newly -designed WTA, the tests were curried out in actual sea area near Gwang-an bridge of Busan. In this paper. the sea trial test result s from WTA are analyzed and compared with those from manual control and those from commercial controller.
Key Words: unmanned surface vehicle(USV);waypoint tracking control;waterjet steering control; waypoint replanning;drift compensation

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