만타형 UUV의 심도제어와 충돌회피에 관한 연구 |
김주한, 이승건, 이상의, 배철한 |
A Study of the Depth Control System and the Collision Avoidance System for the Manta-type UUV |
Ju-Han Kim, Seung-Keon Lee, Sang-Eui Lee, Cheol-Han Bae |
Abstract |
In this paper, the automatic depth control system and the collision avoidance system of the Manta UUV have been established in vertical and horizontal plane. The PID control theory and the Fuzzy theory are adopted in this system The 6-DOF MMG model had been established by theoretical calculations and captive model test results. The depth control simulation results have been fully presented The collision risks of the UUV had calculated by the fuzzy theory with the virtual sonar system Finally, the automatic depth control system and the collision avoidance simulation system of Manta UUV have been fully developed and simulated. |
Key Words:
만타형 UUV;
Collision avoidance;Manta-type UUV;Fuzzy theory;Collision risk;6DOF;Obstacles |