Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2008;32(6):489-497.
Published online August 30, 2008.
해안지역 산업단지조성 따른 해양 부유물질 거동에 관한 연구
김기담, 이중우, 이학승, 강석진, 전민수
Behavior of Suspended Solids for the Development of Coastal Industrial Complex
Ki-Dam Kim, Joong-Woo Lee, Hak-Seung Lee, Seoc-Jin Kang, Min-Su Jeon
The government is now driving a policy that development of industrial complex site for the local manufacturing industry by reengineering and expanding the existing sites or reclamation of coastal zone. Therefore. it is necessary to analyze the impact of the coastal reclamation work in terms of physical and environmental characteristics. This study is also dealing with the impact of coastal reclamation for national industrial complex site to the ocean physical characteristics, variation of sedimentation and diffusion system and marine environment from the analysis of the field measurement and numerical simulation The site for application is at the coastal boundary near Onsan national industrial complex. Ulsan metro city. In order to verify the numerical simulation result. it is compared to the collected data for tide. current, and sediments of the existing measurement and field observation at the selected stations for this study. The verified numerical models were applied to the actual field and the future change was analyzed.
Key Words: Industrial complex;Reclamation;Sedimentation system;Diffusion;Field measurement; Numerical simulation

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