광양항 하이스코 임시항로 출입 예부선의 안전운항에 관한 연구 |
전승환, 문성배 |
A Study on Navigational Safety of Towing-barge on Gwangyang Hysco Temporary Passage |
Seung-Hwan Jun, Serng-Bae Moon |
Abstract |
In Gwangyang port, huge reclaiming work and developing harbor facilities are underway to built industrial complexes. So it is estimated that towing barges will increase and make overtaking, head-on, crossing situations with a lot of cargo vessels in narrow passages. And it is possible to muse severe marine accidents inside of the harbor. 771is paper has a purpose to produce some policies making navigational safety of towing-barge on Gwangyang-Hysco temporary passage. So it is considered how the change of marine traffic capacity and the risk factors in passage navigation influence to towing-barge navigation. And also the questionnaire survey of pilots and VTS operator was conducted to find out what they think about the navigational safety of towing-barge incoming and outgoing in No.1 Yulchon industrial complexes. |
Key Words:
Towing-barge;Narrow passage;Marine accident;Marine traffic quantity;Navigational safety;Questionnaire survey |