원양항해 전과 후 선원의 혈액 및 소변의 생화학적 분석 |
하해동, 문성배, 전승환, 정은석, 김재호 |
Biochemical Analysis of Crew's Blood and Urine before & after Long-Term Navigation |
Hae-Dong Ha, Serng-Bae Moon, Seung-Hwan Jun, Eun-Seok Jeong, Jae-Ho Kim |
Abstract |
Urinalyses have been conducted for 28 crew's in H University's training ship and creatine and uric acid turned out to be higher in all ages: which can be inferred that board job has caused negative impact on kidney and/or malfunction In addition, TC and HDL-C, LDL-C has decreased, however TG has increased after the navigation All different positions, including officer, crew, decker, engineer and radio part showed the similar pattern TC and HDL-C has decreased in 30s, 40s and TG has increased in 30s. A few of the 30's show extremely high TG rates so hyperlipidemia is suspected. 7 members turned out positive for UBG test and 5 positive for PRO test. Especially there was only one UBG positive before the navigation but, 7 members has become positive, which means the one-month long-term navigation has definite impact on the liver cell function. |
Key Words:
Ocean navigation;Biochemical Analysis of the blood and urine;Crew's |