Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2006;30(5):363-367.
Published online June 30, 2006.
전파천문 기기용 BPF의 개발에 관한 연구
이제현, 김동일, 제승훈, 송영만
A Study of Developing Band Pass Filter for Radio Aatronomy Equipments
Je-Hun Lee, Dong-Il Kim, Seung-Hun Che, Young-Man Song
The frequency band 10.5 GHz ~ 10.7 GHz provides some of the best angular resolutions using many large and accurate radio telescopes. Developing high performance Bandpass Filter is needed for these equipments to receive low power signals from the space. In this power, suggests Bandpass Filter for Radio Astronomy equipments. Designed by Microstrip Line for good pass characteristic and suppressing not necessary signals cause of using high frequency. Center frequency is 10.6 GHz and band width is 5% of Center frequency. Manufactured Bandpass Filter is suitable for Radio Astronomy Equipments. Because it matches up to the result by simulate.
Key Words: Microstrip line;Resonator;Bandpass filter;Radio Astronomy

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