물류응용을 위한 PDA 기반의 RFID 인식 시스탬 설계 및 구현 |
정성훈, 임재홍, 김기래 |
Design and Implementation of PDA based RFID Recognition System for the Logistics Application |
Sung-Hun Jung, Jae-Hong Yim, Gi-Rae Kim |
Abstract |
RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification} is appearing by point technology by Ubiquitous environment of new paradigm and Logistics' application But. RFID chip of this is high price and short bandwidth, low power and interference etc. can become technological problem This is getting into obstacle in cornmon use. Reader and tag, Embedded software etc . that are accomplishing standardization are imported paying most expensive royalty. This paper deals with a RFID cognition system that use PDA under ubiquitous environment to apply to Logistics system A RFID cognition system processes input/output of fundamental information attaching a tag onto products. And a RFID cognition system supports quick, correct and safe synthetic Logistics managerial system through construction of database. This can minimize logistics costs and impove the quality of customer seroice. A RFID cognition system has advantage that can widen range of application to area that cognition system of existent fixing style can not do. Also, it can expect economical effect through inexpensive system construction |
Key Words:
Ubiquitous;Logistics system;RFID;Embedded;TAG;Database;PDA;GPS |